Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Ni Hao Internet World!

     I have been gone for awhile. Sorry, I disappeared from this life. Some call it M.I.A.. Not Paper Planes Singer who likes has a tendency to give birth on stage. No, what are you talking about? No but really, I've missed my little baby blogspot like a mother. And I mean motherly mother, not mother other. So, Man Repeller, my fashion idol, is like super popular now. Hopefully, when I'm out of high school, I can be that famous. Maybe. In my dreams. no. In your dreams. I know you love me. Love me like a mother, maybe? Yup Yup I'm feeling that.
     Oh. might I add that I've had buttloads of homework. Homework out the wazoo.
So how do you feel about self expression? Rawr. I dig it. Please do me a solid and tell your friends to read this. All your friends. I will hunt you down. Like Mariah Carey. But really, words or pictures. Pssshhhhh, the answer is words. that why Blogspot>tumblr. I mean greater in case my math is incorrect. Algebra Baby! Gotta Love It!
     So really! Spread the word about my blog. Or i will find you. If I even have readers. Or a lone, dedicated reader.

Love you(y'all)!

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